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indiana borough


The Indiana Borough 8th Street Lot - Green Infrastructure Project is a result of involvement with the Indiana County Stormwater Education Partnership and the Indiana Multimodal Corridor project.


When it was determined that the Hoodlebug Extension project would be utilizing the 8th Street Lot as a trailhead location, the Borough made the decision to make improvements to the lot in order to complement the other developments occurring in that location. They wanted the lot to be an improved and welcoming place for bicyclists and pedestrians using the new trail extension coming into the downtown area. This will create a welcoming location and serve as an example of stormwater management.


The new lot will be repaved and implement green infrastructure. The 8th Street corridor was home to several deteriorated and unused tree boxes. This area is being replaced with a rain garden soil mix (to allow runoff to infiltrate) and will be planted with a mixture of native and non-native flowers, shrubs, and trees. The lot consists of four aisles of parking. There will also be a large vegetated strip between the center two aisles. Again, this area is filled with a soil mixture conducive to infiltration and will be planted with a variety of plant species.The Borough has also decided to install a two-plugged Electric Vehicle Charger in the lot.


It is their hope that this technique is adopted and implemented by others within the community. The Indiana Borough will continue to have a focus to incorporate green practices in projects whenever possible.

 8th street lot


 80 North 8th Street

Indiana, PA 15701



Phone: (724) 465-6691

Fax: (724) 463-4177

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