indiana county rainfall dashboard
Who we are
The Stormwater Education Partnership (SEP) began in the summer of 2014, spearheaded by the Indiana County League of Women Voters. Other early members included Evergreen Conservancy, Indiana County Conservation District, Indiana Borough, White Township, and Upstreet Architects, LLC.
In September of 2015, the SEP reconvened to discuss moving forward. The following month, Matt Genchur from White Township took over leadership of the SEP. That same month, the Geoscience and Geography departments of Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) also joined the group as partners. At this time, the SEP began to meet monthly each Thursday of the month.
Seminars with trained professionals on various stormwater-related policies -- such as MS4, Act 167, Act 102, Act 105 -- were hosted between the months of November, December and January of 2014-2015.
In Spring 2016, Katie Farnsworth of IUP’s Geoscience department began monitoring the quantities of local streams. Five sampling devices were placed at various points of Marsh Run to collect data. These devices are still currently collecting data in the same places they were set back then.
In May 2017, IUP’s Biology department was awarded a $50,000 grant from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to begin testing local streams as well. DEP acknowledged that the SEP as a giant part of why they were awarded the grant.
In May of 2019, the Indiana Borough received a $800 grant from Pennsylvania American Water for 25 rain barrels, allowing them to host a rain barrel workshop at the annual May Mart. Attendees were able to learn about the benefits of rain barrels and take one home at no cost.
The Stormwater Education Partnership has been acknowledged as a powerful tool in providing awareness and education of stormwater in Indiana County. Over 20 organizations have partnered together to continue what was crafted in 2014.
Who we are
The Stormwater Education Partnership (SEP) began in the summer of 2014, spearheaded by the Indiana County League of Women Voters. Other early members included Evergreen Conservancy, Indiana County Conservation District, Indiana Borough, White Township, and Upstreet Architects, LLC.
In September of 2015, the SEP reconvened to discuss moving forward. The following month, Matt Genchur from White Township took over leadership of the SEP. That same month, the Geoscience and Geography departments of Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP) also joined the group as partners. At this time, the SEP began to meet monthly each Thursday of the month.
Seminars with trained professionals on various stormwater-related policies -- such as MS4, Act 167, Act 102, Act 105 -- were hosted between the months of November, December and January of 2014-2015.
In Spring 2016, Katie Farnsworth of IUP’s Geoscience department began monitoring the quantities of local streams. Five sampling devices were placed at various points of Marsh Run to collect data. These devices are still currently collecting data in the same places they were set back then.
In May 2017, IUP’s Biology department was awarded a $50,000 grant from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to begin testing local streams as well. DEP acknowledged that the SEP as a giant part of why they were awarded the grant.
In May of 2019, the Indiana Borough received a $800 grant from Pennsylvania American Water for 25 rain barrels, allowing them to host a rain barrel workshop at the annual May Mart. Attendees were able to learn about the benefits of rain barrels and take one home at no cost.
The Stormwater Education Partnership has been acknowledged as a powerful tool in providing awareness and education of stormwater in Indiana County. Over 20 organizations have partnered together to continue what was crafted in 2014.
our partners
Indiana County Conservation District
Indiana County Office of Planning and Development
Indiana County Emergency Management Association
Western Pennsylvania Conservancy
Blacklick Creek Watershed Association
Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission
Indiana-Armstrong Builders Association
IUP Geography and Regional Planning
IUP Administration and Finance
IUP Engineering and Construction
Concerned Citizens
Bmp toolkit
Poorly managed stormwater runoff can create a big problem for you and your neighbors. It can cause localized flooding, polluted streams, and eroded streambanks.
As a homeowner, you can make an impact on stormwater management. Read the Homeowner’s Guide to Stormwater to develop a stormwater plan for your property and use the Toolkit to install some best management practices (BPM) around your home.
You can make a difference!